Carol's Industria

I want to sing on a stage for a gazillion people :(

New Video! Open Arms by Journey, but very close to Mariah Carey's version. I hope people like it and show it to other people :D
Mario Alvarez
9/24/2017 06:07:54 pm

I Will speak to the artist in you. You sing passionately. I only know what i like and your renditions move me. I have been a youtube follower of yours for a few years now, and, ive always enjoyed standing silently in the shadows. I won't volunteer much more detail except that ive read your blog (Carol's Industria). My smiles and smh in agreement came when you said you love the way reading makes you feel and that you want to sing and dance and paint! You sang Christina Aguilera You Lost Me. After wiping the tears from my eyes, i came to request, respectfully, from you a sonnet: Evinescence "My Immortal ". You see, this song means so much to me and my ghosts. If you have ever sung this or tried to sing this, it would mean the world to me. If not, I understand and, I'll keep reading the blog, and listening to your YouTube in the shadows.
Thank you for your songs,
Mario Andres


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